Monday, December 19, 2005

Tarpon Apply As Permit Swim By

Go figure......Yesterday we find tailing Permit, big ones, right off the bat.

We just got here, not ready, we dig out the spinning rods and put on a couple of wiggly crab offerings, a few casts later, they moved off with no interest.

Ok we will pole the flat, they must be ass deep up here!

The first five were the last Permit we would find all day but, as I approached flat number 4 or another big tail.

I jumped onto the platform and started poling, another, no wait, looked like a Tarpon, yep son of a.....there's another!

There were 8-10 smallish Tarpon (25lber's) up on the flat sucken in minnows, oh well, hell with the Permit.

We managed to jump two before soiling the flat and driving them off into the channel.

Today we were headed to the Permit flat but stopped to take a peek in another spot and see if a few Tarpon would show.

I jumped one on the first cast.....December!

The rest of the day was tearing up tackle on Sea Trout and big jacks.

Permit are still in big trouble.........tomorrow.