Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bonefish Explode on the Gulfside Flats

Everyone knows that in September and October on into November that Bonefish show up in better numbers.

The water temps have dropped a tad and Bonefish are happily sliding in for a Crustacean snack, Permit too of course.

Small Bonefish Flies, jigs and live Shrimp will stop a Bonefish long enough to feel a hook jab then, off to the races, rod high in the air and a few WAHOO"S before these little rockets begin to slow down.

Using a smallish " Merkin" Permit Fly will help your chances for bites from either Bonefish and Permit.

Some of the hard Gulf Flats are great for walking on the lower stages of tides.

Reminds me of a Story...Few years ago, I was fishing with a couple that had been with me many times.

We approached a sand flat that I knew would flood with Bonefish Schools as soon as the tide started in.

Being too shallow to begin to get the skiff on , I sent Jim out with a spin outfit, a few spare hooks, split shot and a baggie full of shrimp.

Pat, Jim's wife stood on the front of the skiff with me waiting for the tide.

From his spot 60 yards away Jim saw a large school of Bones approaching, made a cast and of course, fought his first Bonefish of the day.

By now the water had reached Pat and I and we made the first casts as a school approached the skiff.

All three of us were hooked up and laughing when a very excited Jim yelled " hey there's a big Bull Shark with a school of Bonefish following it"

I told Jim to throw the shrimp just behind the Bull Shark and he'll hook a Bonefish.

A little nervious standing in the water with sharks, Jim made his cast and would you believe, the Bull Shark swung around and gobbled Jim's shrimp and tore off across the flat.

" Christ, what should I do now Mike!? " Jim exclaimed.

" DON'T PISS HIM OFF JIM !" Pat and I yelled .........