Tuff lite the last few days but when the permit Tails are up along with the wind, you can get really close to spooky Permit on the Key West flats.
Most good Permit fisherman will trade 15-20MPH for flat calm anytime, you cant fool the cagy
Permit without some wind chop to camo your movements and to breakup the surface so he isnt spotting you before you spot him.
Today on the flats northwest of Key West we had no light but, we had plenty of wind and Permit tail's in the air to give us very approachable targets.
We got lucky right off and Tony hooked the first of three and after 20 mins of reel smoken runs
I hoisted the sucker out for his photo shoot and some high five silly boy stuff.
We did spook some Bonefish schools but, they were on their way west by the time we saw them.
We had to settle for two more Permit, one a close call on an old crab trap line and the big one of the day another cover girl about 18lbs.
That one is probably getting bigger in Tony's stories as you read this..........mike