Fly Rods Flopping and Weenie Rods Whining when the Cuda's are chomping, we have been having fun with the Gulf Flats water warmup.
Sharks, Black Tip and Lemon have been showing up too and a red bass worm chucked a few feet in front of the Toofy's and teased just so can cause some line disappearance!
How about big Jacks behind sharks and rays crossing the flat, dropping a fly on the big guy's back will get a pounce from the bite robbing Jacks .
The Pompano show in the basins with more Jacks grabbing the Mylar Fly and wacking fingers with the direct drive Fly Reel handle, if your caught out and you will be!
Dropped a worm into a school of Permit disguised as Cuda's, so there are around some.
Cool off Cold front again for a few days and back to work this weekend, dammit more fishing.