Saturday, February 14, 2009

Log In The Fog Barracuda

Doesn't happen every year, sometimes it won't happen in five years.

The last few days we have had to run in the fog early morning and although today it lifted late morning, yesterday the fog hung around is some areas most of the day.

The flats, once you find them, can be eerie as with low visibility and flat water sometimes you can hear strange things moving about and you can be fooled by the thick air as to how far or near the splashes and pops and swirling can be.

For some reason, as I have witnessed several times before the Black Tip and Lemon Sharks can be absolutely nuts charging around attacking anything that breaks the surface.

The Sharks and US are not the only wacko's out in the fog lots of the other guys can be very aggressive .

But the real surprise of the day was when a Tube Lure cast in the direction of some noise out in the Foggy Boggy, produced after some high speed blasts a big, by Key West standards , Bluefish that was up in 18 inches of water.

As he charged and tail walked by the skiff in a Blue Panic!

"Whats with THAT.?".....Oh Shyte a Log of a Barracuda was after and caught our Bluefish now we're fighting a 25 lb Cuda and whats left of a 6 lb Bluefish.

Is that a record? Great fun in the fog.