I'm building the last of the Barracuda Tube lure's for 07 and have 3 big bags of Tarpon Gurgler Flies just itchen to get wet.
Only the end of Febuary and March promises more Pompano, Cobia and Barracuda but, the Permit and Tarpon fishing will be sneaking up on us very soon.
A lot of my regular guy's are calling or e-mailing to make sure we have our dates planted, they have had enough of winter in the east and mid west and dull the pain by thinking about Tarpon and Duval St. Pina Colada's.
Permit will march into March first, they tolerate a little cooler water than Mr.Tarpon.
We saw a few Tarpon poken their heads up this morning but they are still a little cold and didnt care to play.
Planning a sock burning party for March 15th.