Saturday, March 17, 2007

Tarpon In The Wind

The last few days have been windy but worth the bouncy ride as early AM has produced a few Tarpon.

They are not everywhere but we found several places in the backcountry rivers that had more than a few Tarpon in for a bait fish meal.

That's what we gave them, live Pin Fish and some swimming plugs put several fish in the air.

The clouds and wind prevented us from poling the flat for Permit and this far has been good for Permit fishing when the weather cooperates.

Where does the time go? New Years Day was only a few days ago....seems.

Half of March is left and that means plenty Permit fishing and starting the day with Tarpon training.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Back To Barracuda Basics

OK ....yes and it's been cool and windy ...again!

Seeing a few Tarpon and nearly...nearly hooking a couple of Permit the last two days but, we're really catching Barracuda's on Tube Lures and chompen granola bars between casts.

The Cudas have been pretty big and of course they are always a lot of fun , 360's at 40mph and long runs and jumps.

Ten lb test tackle in one foot of water, you gota have some laughs.

Mean while the live crabs and Tarpon flies wait patiently in the box.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Permit Fishing Restore's Faith

After the agony of another cold blast front the north it's warmed quickly and although the Tarpon are pissed and still lying low, the Permit fishing on the Key West Flats has lifted our spirits!

Yesterday early am I was wishing I had worn jeans and SOCKS but, by mid morning the Permit fishing on the incoming tide and a few hook ups and the socks were forgotten.

Bill managed after a few bad casts to put one together and after a prolonged struggle I grabbed the tail of his first Permit and a good one about 22-24lbs.

Of course I told him it was 26lbs and after inspecting an old Shark encounter scar, Bill had the honor of giving the fish some back and fourth pumps and a slap on the arse to get the adrenaline flowing and away the Permit smoked.

March Tarpon fishing will be rock'in in a few days.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Key West Tarpon Blow Out


The not so bad cold front, turns in to BAD

Three days ago it was Tarpon and Permit, now it's 30mph and boat maintenance.

Tomorrow the winds should drop and the Permit will be pretty good but Tarpon fishing will probably not recover for a few days.

The Pompano, Cobia, and Sea Trout will show back up though so we will have good "fun fishing" and of course Barracudas will be snapping.

Oh well, back under the skiff for a little scrub!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Tarpon In the Air, Permit on the Run

The Last two days have been Tarpon in the early AM and when the sun gets up, poling the flats for Permit,

Lots of wind make easy shots at Permit, they don't see us coming!

Of course it's more of a challange to make the cast in the wind but we can get so much closer to the flighty Permit, it's a good news bad news kind of thing.

The water temps are up and a southeast wind bring the Tarpon inshore and encourages the Permit to pop up onto the flats for a crab breakfast.

We lost a couple of nice Tarpon, little late on the rod bowing will do that but, its fun to lose a Tarpon, getting him to jump is half the fun.

We should have a great March!!